The initiative, organised by Cornwall Council in partnership with Truro City Council and South West in Bloom (SWIB), is a competition for communities across Cornwall to enter, encouraging small resident led groups to improve the area where they live. Everyone can get involved - you don’t even need to know anything about gardening.
News, views and happenings of the Parish Council and community of the rural parish of St Dominick located on the eastern border of Cornwall in the Tamar Valley, an area of outstanding natural beauty.
23 February 2011
Cornwall Council announces exciting new service to help keep libraries in Cornwall open (23 Feb 2011)
Local communities will soon benefit from an exciting new service which will bring together libraries, one stop shops and the registration service in Cornwall into a new single Face to Face service.
Although Cornwall Council, like every other local authority in the country, is having to change the way it delivers services to its residents as a result of the 30% reduction in Government funding over the next four years, the Council recognises the importance of libraries to local communities.
Cornwall Council needs to make savings of more than £170m which means that the combined Libraries and Customer Services budgets are facing a reduction of £1.526m.
While a number of local authorities, including Somerset and Dorset, are looking to close a significant number of their local libraries, Cornwall Council’s aim is to keep libraries in the county Cornwall open.
The development of this new Face to Face service will help the Council develop a positive future for libraries which recognises their importance in the heart of our communities in a rural setting.
As well as bringing together the services mentioned above, the Council will also be harmonising library opening hours across Cornwall. This new arrangement is expected to take effect from 18 April 2011.
Every town that currently has a library or one stop shop will continue to do so, but where possible, these will be brought together in one building instead of two, although there may be a change in opening hours. The introduction of this new way of working will also provide the possibility for some towns that have not previously benefited from a service to get one for the first time.
Whilst there may be some implications for people using these services, the new structure does enable the Council to retain all of its existing libraries.
Click here for details of opening times for each individual library on the Council’s website.
The mobile library service, Cornish Studies Library and Cornwall Record Office are not currently affected by the changes in library hours but will be reviewed at a later stage.
16 February 2011
A Plain English Guide to the Localism Guide (16th Feb 2011)
The Department of Communities and Local Government has now published a plain English overview of the Localism Bill. The guide describes the main measures of the bill under four main headings:
- New freedoms and flexibilities for local government.
- New rights and powers for communities and individuals.
- Reform to male the planning system more democratic and effective.
- Reform to ensure that decisions about housing are taken locally.
The bill is still being progressed through Parliament - click here to view its progress.
The document 'Decentralisation and the Localism Bill: an essential guide' also gives further background info - click here to view the document.
14 February 2011
D&C Police Community Messages (14 Feb 2011)
The Police would again like to remind the public to be vigilant with cold callers at their door and not to agree to have any works carried out without knowing the company is a reputable one and can be relied upon. This type of caller will often offer repairs to the main house or driveway and will want to start work immediately. Please do not accept these offers. There have been incidents in the West Devon area recently involving workmen cold calling and offering to make improvements to homes by carrying out work to the gable ends of roofs and putting plastic cladding on the outer edge of the tiles. The men have used high pressure sales tactics with the elderly and are quite insistent on receiving cash payments. If you have any information, please call with any information on 08452 777 444.
11 February 2011
Changes to the NHS - public events explaining changes being held all over Cornwall
There is a health road-show travelling around Cornwall in February and March aiming to explain the proposed changes to the way health services are to be delivered in the future and to obtain public feedback on those changes.
The nearest road-show to St Dominick is at Liskeard Town Hall on 31st Mar 2pm until 3.30pm.
Cornwall NHS say:
'There is a lot going on in the NHS at the moment and this is your chance to find out what’s happening and have your say.
Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) are being abolished – it is proposed GPs, working in commissioning consortia, will take on most of the work, the local authority will take responsibility for public health and the rest will go to a new National Commissioning Board.
At the same time this is happening the PCT has to find a new home for its provider arm – Community Health Services (CHS).
It’s the job of the Primary Care Trust Board to choose the best new home for CHS and the current proposal is for adult services to be transferred into a social enterprise. Community hospitals will remain under NHS ownership. Patients will continue to get NHS care, free at the point of delivery.
The Board’s view is that a social enterprise is the best option to safeguard the future of adult community health services because:
· It will have its sole focus on the delivery of high quality community services;
· It is supported by GPs and will help to drive integration of health and social care for the benefit of patients;
· It will maintain current services and further develop them;
· It will protect transferring NHS staff terms and conditions; and
· It will support our plan to provide more care closer to home, which is what we know patients want.
The NHS is also seeking to change the way healthcare is delivered in three important ways:
· By joining together with Cornwall Council to create health and social care hubs – which will mean less confusion, less duplication and safer care.
· By asking senior clinicians to find efficiencies, improve quality, harness innovation and improve productivity in order to reinvest savings in frontline care. This programme, Your NHS: Closer to you, will enable more people to be cared for closer to, and in some cases in, their own homes.
· By investing more in the prevention of ill health and encouraging more healthy lifestyles.
By talking to local people about all these changes, we can make sure we develop things to suit your needs as much as possible.
10 February 2011
D&C Police Community Messages (10 Feb 2011)
Tavistock and Okehampton areas have recently suffered a spate of heating oil thefts mainly from rural properties. With the increase in price this commodity is becoming attractive to thieves. It is recommended that regular checks are made on containers holding oil and where possible extra security measures considered. Could all residents be extra vigilant for suspicious vehicles and activity around your local community. Report any suspicious activity promptly to the Police on phone 08452 777 444 or call with any information.
CENSUS 2011 is coming soon!!
Census 2011 takes place on 27th March 2011 and the nation as a whole is encouraged to fill in their questionnaire on the day. But why is it so important to do that?
The census is the main way that statistics are gathered and these statistics are crucial in helping to determine how future funding is distributed. For every person that does not fill in a questionnaire, it is estimated that that community could loose out on around £330 per year or £3,300 over the ten years the census lasts.
It was reported that in 2001, when the last census was held, around 26,000 people in Cornwall did not respond which has meant that the Duchy has lost out on a whopping £8.8 million per year.
And for all you fans of 'Who Do You Think You Are', the national census is also vital for documenting the social history of a nation for future generations.
The 2011 Census may well be a piece of history in its own right too as it could be the last one ever done as the Government is currently investigating other ways to obtain these vital statistics.
Questionnaires will go out by post to all householders during March 2011 ready for completion before, on or as soon as possible after census day on 27the March. It can also be done on-line for the first time ever from 4th March 2011.
If you don't receive one in the post, you will be able to call the census helpline and ask for one to be sent to you.
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly first rural areas to get superfast broadband (Feb 2011)
Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are set to become one of the best connected locations in the world under an ambitious £132 million project announced by BT and Cornwall Council and supported by European funding. The project will benefit tens of thousands of local businesses, create 4,000 new local jobs and protect a further 2,000.
The area will benefit from faster broadband thanks to the creation of a high speed network that will be open to all communications providers on a wholesale basis. The aim is to give between 80 and 90 per cent of local businesses and homes access to super-fast fibre broadband by 2014.
09 February 2011
Cornwall Council's Core Strategy - public consultation announced (Feb 2011)
Cornwall Council is in the process of developing its Core Strategy which will then become the lead document in Cornwall's Local Development Framework. The Core Strategy will set out the Council's future vision for Cornwall's growth and development up to 2030.
A public consultation to seek the county's views on options for the amount and distribution of development over the coming years is running from Mon 7th Feb until 5pm on Thurs 28th April 2011. Comments are requested via e-mail or in writing.
Exhibitions are being held all over Cornwall. The nearest ones to St Dominick are Saltash Waitrose on 17th Mar 2011 11am to 6pm and Liskeard Morrisons 4th Apr 2011 11am to 6pm.
08 February 2011
Cornwall Cllr Grant for Grit (Feb 2011)
The Parish Council is delighted to report that they have been successful in their application to Cllr Jim Flashman for the Cornwall Councillor Community Grant. Each Cornwall Councillor has £2,195 to put towards schemes that contribute to the Council’s priorities.
The Parish Council had applied for £500 to pay for a supply of grit for the parish as part of an initiative called ‘Keeping the Community Mobile and Safe’. The Parish Council will also be working up an action plan on how to distribute the grit when the need arises.
Although the Parish Council doesn’t have the resources of Cornwall Council Highways, it looks to try and help, as much as it practically can, reduce the impact of snow and icy roads in the parish.
Calling all parishioners!!! (Feb 2011)
Do you have any local knowledge of Hunter’s Oak – why did it become such a significant tree for the parish? If anyone knows any history or stories relating to the tree such as who planted it, when and why then the Parish Clerk would love to hear from you.
The reason is that the Parish Council would like to submit Hunter’s Oak to the Great Trees of Cornwall project which is a 3 year joint project between Cornwall Council, National Trust, Woodland Trust, Forestry Commission, Duchy of Cornwall and Cornwall Wildlife Trust to safeguard the future of Cornwall’s ancient and significant trees.
Please send info and photos to the Parish Clerk (see 'Contact Us' on the website for contact info).
Government launches new crime mapping website (Feb 2011)
The Home Office has launched a website allowing the public to see street-by-street information on crimes reported to the police.
Latest News from Tamar Valley AONB (Jan 2011)
Click here for the January 2011 Tamar Valley AONB News Bulletin
More info can be found on their website -
More info can be found on their website -
Cornwall Council issues advice pack on how to deal with the snow and ice (Dec 2010)
More information can be found their website.
On-line petition facility launched by Cornwall Council (Dec 2010)
This launch is in accordance with the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 which placed a duty on Councils to respond to petitions and have in place a Petitions Scheme by 15 June 2010 and an on-line petition facility by 15 December 2010.
An e-petition is a form of petition created using the council’s e-petition system. Individuals or groups can create a petition on the council’s website and visitors to the website can add their details to the petition to "sign" it providing they live, work or study in Cornwall.
Community fun organised by St Dominic Parish Council (Aug 2010)
As a result of securing funding from Cornwall Council under the Play Pathfinder scheme, over 80 local children enjoyed several play days over the summer of 2010 organised by St Dominic Parish Council in conjunction with the Eden Project and the National Trust's Cotehele. Read more
Fantastic new adventure playground for St Dominick community (Aug 2010)
After securing over £70,000 worth of funding including £50,000 of funding from Cornwall Council under the former Government's Playbuilder scheme, St Dominic Parish Council unveils it fantastic new adventure play area for the community in the recreation ground known locally as Lovell's Park. Play kit includes an assault course, bird's nest swing as well as a wooden shelter and even willow dens! Read more
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